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Common sense policy for Floridians.

Florida’s political leadership must seek solutions in the context of these shared and unifying concerns, policies, and programs. The current leadership in Florida is non-responsive and therefore dangerous and needs to be replaced with candidates who listen to research and the needs of their constituents instead of deflecting our attention away from the real threats to our communities with messages of fear, anger, and hate. Our key issues are meant for all Floridians and unify us on the things that matter most.

Grow a Prosperous Economy

Grow an economy where everyone can prosper who works hard and seeks to optimize our workforce productivity. No matter the circumstances, our community has the resilience, skills and determination to grow our economy . Together, we can support policies to aid everyday Floridians in their financial endeavors.

Protect Our Republic

We want to use our policy influence and  easily-accessible information to protect our rights, freedoms, and liberties as provided for by our constitutionally-framed, majority vote-based, democratic republic. We must fight extremism in the Sunshine State and will support common-sense leaders who don't spew hateful, false rhetoric.

Reduce Climate Change Risks

We are seeking out timely and effective mitigation and adaptation measures to fight climate change so Florida can be enjoyed by all the many generations yet to come. Our children and grandchildren deserve to experience the same beautiful state we call home without the threat of climate change.

© 2024 Paid for by Florida Friends Network, Inc.


P.O. Box 825

Loxahatchee Groves, FL 33470

Cell: 954 661 7847

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